Dry Feb
The Facts
Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and over 600 Canadians will be diagnosed every day.
How the Canadian Cancer Society Helps
Thanks to the support of donors like you, today about 63% of Canadians diagnosed with cancer will survive at least 5 years after their diagnosis, compared to 55% in the early 1990s.
Together with the community, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) funds groundbreaking research and provides a national support system to help ensure no one has to face cancer alone.
How CSS helped last year:
Provided care and community to 287,000 people through peer support programs like CancerConnection.ca
Helped thousands of people get to their cancer treatments, whether they required transportation assistance or a stay in one of CCS’ warm, supportive lodges
Educated and empowered 19.2 million people with credible, trusted information on cancer.ca
Provided more than 3,100 wigs, headwear and breast prostheses to help people with cancer feel more comfortable and self-confident after treatment
Funded important advocacy work that resulted in a federal regulation to ban e-cigarette ads in locations where youth may be exposed, and another to create the world’s most effective plain packaging for tobacco
Funded $40.66 million in life-saving cancer research last year, including:
- $19 million to make cancer diagnosis and treatments more effective
- $3.4 million to better prevent cancer
- $1.3 million to enhance screening and early detection
- $4.7 million to offer 122 active clinical trials